How did we manage tocreate a four-month waitinglist to purchase a CR-VHybrid?
Step 1–Mapping the problem: understanding whythe CR-V Hybrid campaign was required.
One could presume that not much is required to advertise a good product. However, promoting the CR-V Hybrid was a challenge for a very simple reason:
– at first glance, the Hyper Hybrid did not stand out from the already familiar CR-V or other hybrid cars.
– It was hard to distinguish the Honda CR-V Hybrid from the already familiar Honda CR-V SUV.
– At first glance, the CR-V Hybrid did not seem to stand out from other hybrid cars.
– How to introduce the new high-tech three-engine system in a convincing, simple and interesting manner?
– The desire to promote an environmentally friendly vehicle.
Under its shell, the CR-V Hybrid hides a super technology that one could previously only have dreamed about. Specifically, the CR-V Hybrid is equipped with the new i-MMD technology which makes sure that the car uses energy as efficiently as possible at all times. This means that the CR-V Hybrid is able to seamlessly switch between its three driving modes (electric, hybrid or petrol mode). And do so on its own: the driver can enjoy carefree driving pleasure to the fullest.
But how do we convey this to the target group in an interesting, clear and concise manner?
Step 2 – Mapping the target group
We mapped the target group (people aged 35–65) and analysed what could be the values, dreams and visions for the future of CR-V buyers. We came to the conclusion that many people in this age group have grown up alongside the action movies of the 1980s. We dove deep into the neon worlds of pop culture and found details that fit perfectly with the exciting new CR-V Hybrid. Retrofuturism and neon colours. The future was seen as exciting, and distant dreams were often depicted in neon colours.
Step 3 – The creative idea ‘Hyper Hybrid’ and its implementation
The already familiar favourite among Estonian SUV drivers – the Honda CR-V – reached a new level. It could no longer be simply a Hybrid – it had to become a Hyper Hybrid. The vehicle had combined all of the positive features of an SUV, the power of three engines, and good driving characteristics.
Inspired by retrofuturism, a 3D-animated TV clip came into being alongside music, both created in Estonia. Then, the neon lines illustrating the Hyper Hybrid travelled from TV to the web, radio, outdoor and print media, exhibitions, and elsewhere. Three coloured lines – to illustrate the three engines – found their place in all solutions, including car stickers and clothing items. Guided by its environmentally friendly nature, Honda also commenced an additional campaign with the CR-V Hybrid, in which 10 trees will be planted with the purchase of every Hybrid.
Step 4 – Results
The Honda Hyper Hybrid campaign rocked the sales numbers, and as a result of the campaign, all Honda CR-V Hybrid vehicles were sold out in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Finland in the course of just one month.
The size of the target group in Estonia was 743,000 people. The TV campaign exceeded the planned target group coverage (83.9% and 88.1%, i.e., the campaign was seen by about 654,000 people). The target group coverage of the radio campaign was 57%.
Step 5 – Conclusion
It is fascinating to see Honda on a step-by-step journey towards electrically driven cars, thereby supporting a sustainable lifestyle. We feel almost equally as proud when we have been trusted as an agency, our creative idea and campaign are successful, and as a result, we support the visions of a future-oriented company!
The Honda CR-V Hybrid campaign carries a message – the future has arrived, right here, right now!
In addition, the Honda CR-V Hybrid was crowned the winner of the Autoleht 2020 Hybrid SUV Test.